The closest stop sign is over a mile away and the first traffic light is 5+ miles down the road. A visit to the grocery store is almost 30 miles round trip. It's quiet here; just the sound of toads and coyotes at night. It seems very still, but when you look close there's always something happening. Read on about a few things we've noticed over the past few years.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hawk down

This morning's walk found a hawk down, the last few minutes of his life slipping away.  When I spotted him I assumed he was dead and turned him over on to his breast.  I was surprised to see his eyes move and his tail feathers rustle just a bit.  I didn't find any trauma on him, either old age or disease took him.  I returned with my camera and snapped this photo, by that time he was gone.  He was a big bird.  About 18 inches from beak to tail.  Sad to see him go. 

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