The closest stop sign is over a mile away and the first traffic light is 5+ miles down the road. A visit to the grocery store is almost 30 miles round trip. It's quiet here; just the sound of toads and coyotes at night. It seems very still, but when you look close there's always something happening. Read on about a few things we've noticed over the past few years.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Coyote Den (north den)

Went for a walk a few days ago.  While talking and singing and making noise my nephew and I scared off 4 coyotes as we unknowingly approached their den.  We watched them run away and then inspected their home.   I was surprised to find it so close to our house.  The peak of the rock where you see the dark hole is the entry (about 3 ft high) and there's about 10 sq ft inside.  Plenty of room for some pups.  I suppose the coyotes have to live somewhere and this looks like as fine a den as any.    

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