The closest stop sign is over a mile away and the first traffic light is 5+ miles down the road. A visit to the grocery store is almost 30 miles round trip. It's quiet here; just the sound of toads and coyotes at night. It seems very still, but when you look close there's always something happening. Read on about a few things we've noticed over the past few years.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Northern Mockingbird

Ever heard the song of the mockingbird? I have a one word description: T-A-L-E-N-T!  They mimic other birds' songs and each version is repeated three times.  They often sing at night too.  Mockingbirds have territories of 1 - 2 acres per couple.  They sing to defend a breeding/feeding territory against other birds, cats, and snakes.  From head to tail they are 11" and feed on insects, lizards, small snakes, and fruit & berries.  They also come to feeders.   This bird is found in all states of the continential US except Oregon and Washington.  I love hearing their's a wonderful lullaby I listen to on summer nights when sleeping with the windows open.

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